Last year I worked as a magic creative and consultant on this wonderful film "Late Night With The Devil" from Australian directors Colin and Cameron Cairnes, which is set to premiere in Australia at The Melbourne International Film Festival ( MIFF ) this August. Following its SXSW premiere the King of Horror himself, Stephen King, applauded the film, tweeting to his 7.1 million followers: “It’s absolutely brilliant, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.”
My role as consultant and creative, had me creating a routine for the actor Ian Bliss to perform some sleight of hand magic as an introduction to his character as he steps on stage and into the talk show where all hell breaks loose. To his absolute credit, Ian mastered the moves and executed the magic superbly and as all the best actors do, made it look like the most natural extension of his character. Set in the late 1970's, his character was loosely based and modelled on the real life skeptic and fraud buster, James Randi who was a supremely accomplished magician and performer.
I look forward to seeing the finished film in all its glory.
If you want to catch the film, click through here to get some hang time with the Devil...
